Arts and Wellbeing

We facilitate research and well-being workshops in the community. Our aims are to use creativity in film and animation therapeutically as a way to explore and answer important questions for communities. We have extensive experience working  with a range of SEND including autism, dyslexia, ADHD and ODD. Groups often produce their own films or animations as part of this process and a mode of communication.

Our work has included working in Alternative Provision with excluded pupils, working with hard to reach teenagers at risk of recreational drug use, producing films with teenage parents about their experiences and facilitating research with youth panels in hospitals, with NHS Trusts and psychologists.

Films produced on these projects are sensitive in nature. Please email Lara if you would like to see examples (permission has been sought).


Are you interested in a workshop near you? We would love to hear from you via the form below!

We will try to reply within 24 hours.